This is a practise page for editing Tekkiepix content. Click ‘Edit Page’ on the editing strip at the top of the screen, and put the cursor over the text to be edited. The text is replaced with a graphic showing editing options.

The one you want is the first, a pen symbol (‘Element Options’).

Note: Two tabs on the right offer ‘Visual’ or ‘Text’ views. I prefer ‘Text’ as it shows every last bit of HTML, which is important when it comes to cross-referencing or inline (ie inset) pictures. It also reveals that there has to be an ‘end division’ instruction at the end whenever a drop-capital is used, as any text below that would jump outside of the scroll box.

After editing the text, click ‘SAVE’. The editing window will close.

You now need to click ‘Update’, the blue box on the right.

To see the result, click ‘View Page’ on the editing strip.

To see other pages, click ‘Tekkiepix’ on the editing strip and navigate with the menu as usual.

If you wish to edit a page, click ‘Edit Page’ on the editing strip at the top of the screen, and follow the same steps as above.

In Text view, highlighted text can be made bold, italic or linked to another location (click the back button to return).